A very warm welcome to The Sultan’s School!
The Sultan’s School is a friendly, high-performing school situated on an extensive campus, with outstanding, world-class teaching and learning facilities, and wonderful outdoor spaces. With a well-deserved reputation for our academic and co-curricular programmes, we are proud to be recognised as the leading bi-lingual school in Oman.
Our Primary School students from KG1 to Year 6 follow a programme in both Arabic and English, based on the Cambridge Primary Curriculum and Oman’s National Education Programme. This is carefully designed for our students to build the skills and confidence to converse and learn in both languages, whilst creating a secure foundation for their ongoing education.
Our caring teaching staff bring experience from across the world and are committed to guiding and supporting your children towards discovering their passions and interests, teaching them not only what to learn, but equally importantly, how to learn. We understand that each child possesses special abilities and talents, and learns in a unique way. We firmly believe that a happy child is a productive one and we work to ensure that each child feels secure, happy and positively engaged with all that life brings them at school. By the time our Primary students reach the end of Year 6, they are very well prepared to move on to their secondary education.
As a community, we strive for excellence in all we do and are always delighted by the achievements of our students. Every accomplishment is celebrated, reinforcing the idea that each student’s journey is different and their achievements matter. Our students are valued for who they are and what they contribute. This, coupled with the warm and supportive atmosphere throughout the school and respectful behaviour from all our children, encourages everyone to enjoy learning and working together.
To be involved in your child’s education is a privilege and I feel extremely honoured to be your Acting Head of Primary. It is a joy to reflect on my last eleven years at The Sultan’s School, the students and our supportive community. The warm welcome you receive here is more than just a formality; it is an invitation to be part of The Sultan’s School family.
Every student enters our gates with talents and it is our role and responsibility to provide an environment where these can be identified, nurtured and then extended. We believe in a close working relationship between home and school, as we recognise that this is vital to supporting your child’s learning and well- being.
I look forward to continuing to work alongside you and your children to bring out the very best in them.
Robin Cummings
Acting Head of Primary