Together we are better!

It is with great pleasure that we officially introduce the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). As a PTA we are a formal organization composed of parents, teachers and staff that is intended to facilitate parental participation in our school. The goal of our parent-teacher group is to support the school, encourage parent involvement, support teachers, and organize family events. In making the school community stronger we create greater opportunities for our children and their future.


The PTA’s main objectives are to…

  • Provide a harmonious relationship between students, parents/guardians and the school for the benefit of the mental, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual development of the students.
  • Promote the aims, objectives, activities and achievements of the school within the community.
  • Provide support for the school and teachers to cultivate a better learning environment.
  • Provide a platform for parents to have a voice on issues relevant to the students’ well-being.
  • Carry out activities specifically to the social well-being of the students of the school and the community at large; consistent with the aims of improving education, fund-raising and social events.
  • Participate in discussions related to the key issues and direction of the school.

We look forward to serving the Sultan’s School community and your support in making this year a success. Together we are better!

Warmest Regards,

The Sultan’s School Parent Teacher Association